Friday, November 22, 2019

Hello All,
We have made it to the end of our first trimester! Despite the ice day and the excitement over vacation, we have continued working in math, reading, writing and science.  4th graders have started their 10,000 chart and 3rd graders are learning to use number lines to subtract.  Everyone is planning chapter headings for their upcoming expert books. In reading we have discussed how non-fiction books are structured and how to stop and jot our thoughts about main ideas and supporting details after each chunk of text. And in science, we went on a fun website called Energy Hog today and learned all about what appliances in our homes use the most energy and how to be wise consumers.  Much of this will need to be reviewed after vacation, but we certainly haven't been idle!

It was lovely to see so many of you at our Scholastic Book Fair and our Thanksgiving Lunch. I'm sorry I didn't get to chat with more of you -- a half hour lunch for that many people goes by fast!  I know some of you bought books for the classroom library.  Thank you so much for your generosity!

Thank you also for your continued support of our bread baking project. To date we have earned $115 to donate to We are doing our small part to save the planet, and learning to bake and eating yummy bread at the same time!  I can always use more bread flour, butter, eggs, and yeast if you would like to help, but please don't feel pressured! 

Report cards will be coming home the Monday after vacation. Please remember that these are just a snapshot of what skills and concepts your child has mastered at this time of the year.  We are all continuing to grow, mature, learn, and change as the year progresses.  I hope you will be in touch if anything about the report card confuses you, but there shouldn't be any surprises! This is a wonderful class of students who love to learn.

I hope you all have a restful holiday and get to spend time with the people you love.  I will miss the class and look forward to seeing them in December.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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